Top Testifiers in Massachusetts 2021-22

Top Committee Testifiers

Despite the switch to a virtual format, public participation remains strong

In the 2021-22 Massachusetts legislative session, there were over 3,000 people who testified at joint committee hearings. Our analysis found that 494 of these individuals were “frequent” testifiers, meaning that they testified in more than one hearing. This group included various state officials, interest groups, and concerned citizens, all of whom are highlighted in our data.

Out of the 494 frequent testifiers, only 101 (approx. 20%) were from either state agencies or a non-affiliated member of the public. This meant that the vast majority of frequent testifiers were from organizations, including both lobbyists and citizens. In dividing these testifiers into the top ten most frequent issue areas, the results revealed that there is not one particular topic that dominates testimony in the joint committee stage. In fact, the largest percentage of “other” contains a wide array of testifiers, including everything from firefighters to cannabis rights activists. 

Similarly, when looking at the average number of times each issue area testified, for almost every group three times was the mean. Transportation was the only sector in which this was not the case, and this was due to the fact that most from this issue area that testified were either an interest group leader or were not included due to being a state official. Disregarding this one exception though, this meant that even with outliers like our 2021-22 top testifier, Massachusetts Teachers Association president, Merrie Najimy, testimony was relatively equal by issue this session.

As the legislature shifted from an in person to a virtual format due to the pandemic, participation remained consistent. Given the number of individuals that testified once, it is actually quite likely that the process has become more inclusive, especially for those in less close proximity to the statehouse. 

With testimony not slowing down, it can be difficult to stay on top of it all. No need to worry though, InstaTrac can help! If you don’t currently have a MassTrac subscription, reach out for a free trial! Email for more information.


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